To improve the temporal accuracy of open tasks which require predictive timing (bouncing a ball)
Modified task practice (rolling a ball along a table and bouncing off the wall) is performed to promote appropriate timing and accuracy. Progress to whole task practice.
- Table
- 2 chairs
- Wall
- Ball
- Tape to use as a target
- Barriers to prevent ball from rolling off the table
Key Points:
- Ensure patient is sitting upright with the feet supported on the floor
- Ensure timing is promoted by practicing sequential ball tapping, ie, no pause between taps
Common Errors:
- Patient supports the arm/s on the table
- The magnitude and/or direction of force used when tapping the ball is inappropriate
Progression and Variety:
- Tap the ball closer to the wall
- Use a smaller ball
- Decrease the size of the target
- Vary direction
- Remove the table and tap the ball back and forth between both hands and/or repetitively tapping the ball into the air with the fingertips
- Progress to bouncing the ball on the floor