To improve turning in bed using cognitive cues.


Akinesia and hypokinesia while turning in bed is overcome by the use of cognitive cues. The task is broken down into separate steps, each separately cued.
Note: some patients will be unable to turn in bed without the use of aids (e.g., sheets with a satin inlay at hip level or a bar to pull on) and/or the assistance of a carer.


  • Bed
  • Pillow

Key Points:

  • Therapist uses short verbal cues, followed by the patient self-cueing
  • Ensure therapist is positioned to prevent the patient falling off the bed. (The narrow bed used in the video-clip is for demonstration purposes only. In clinical practice, the patient would be positioned on a wider bed for safety)

Common Errors:

  • Patient wriggles on back rather than concentrating on each step.

Progression and Variety:

  • Add bed clothes
  • Practice when L-Dopa medication levels are low
  • Practice in low light conditions