To improve turning from a stationary start or while walking in confined spaces.


Loss of balance and freezing are reduced by ensuring the patient steps on the spot while turning and does not swivel on the spot. Strategies include:

  1. Counting steps (1, 2, 1, 2…)
  2. Auditory cues

Note: some patients will use permanent visual cues in the home environment and some patients will be unable to perform concurrent tasks without increasing the risk of freezing and/or falling.


  • Table
  • Metronome for auditory cues

Key Points:

  • Set up the environment so that turning on the spot is necessary
  • Encourage patient to step around with high steps and maintain the stepping rhythm throughout the turn
  • Ensure therapist stays close by to steady patient if necessary
  • When using auditory cues set auditory cue frequency 10% below the patients preferred cadence (usually 60-80 bpm)

Common Errors:

  • Patient swivels on the spot instead of turning
  • Therapist does not stay close enough to steady the patient if necessary
  • Therapist gives explanations or instructions while the metronome is “beeping”

Progression and Variety:

  • Adjust auditory cue frequency according to patient response
  • Add a manual and/or cognitive task while turning
  • Remove cues and encourage patient to self-cue