To train getting up from the floor


People with neurological conditions are at risk of falls. A backwards chaining method is used to teach the patient to get up from the floor in the event of a fall. A piece of furniture (chair) is used for support. Practice begins in standing, and the patient moves down towards to the floor one step at a time and back into standing. Once each step is mastered, the next step is added until the patient can move from lying on the floor to standing.


  • 2 pillows
  • Chair
  • Floor mats

Key Points:

  • Ensure therapist stands close by to assist patient if necessary

Common Errors:

  • Therapist is standing when the patient is on the floor
  • Therapist is on the floor when the patient is standing

Progression and Variety:

  • Remove therapist instructions
  • Practice moving on the floor to a stable piece of furniture to assist in getting upĀ from the floor