Strength-suspension-hip ABD/ADD (L1)
AIM: To increase hip abduction/adduction strength using suspension (for paralysed/ very weak muscles) Impairment: Loss of…
Strength-suspension-hip F/E (L2)
AIM: To increase hip flexion/ extension strength using suspension (for paralysed/ very weak muscles) Rationale:…
Dexterity-shift weight (sitting) I (L3)
AIM: To train weight shift (rotation, lateral) in preparation for sitting (I) Rationale: An important…
Dexterity-shift weight (sitting) II (L4)
AIM: To train weight shift (lateral) in preparation for sitting (II). Rationale: An important component…
Dexterity-moving foot back (L5)
AIM: To train moving the foot back in preparation for standing up Rationale: An important…
Dexterity-load leg (standing up) (L7)
AIM: To train loading the leg in preparation for standing up. Rationale An important component…
Dextrity-inclining trunk fwd (L6)
AIM: To train inclining the trunk forward in preparation for standing up Rationale: An important…
Dexterity-hip E in supin (L8)
AIM: To train hip extension (in supine) in preparation for mid to end stance phase…
Dexterity-hip E in standing (L9)
AIM: To train hip extension (in standing) in preparation for mid to end stance phase…
Dexterity-hip ABD in sidelying (L10)
AIM: To train hip abduction (in sidling) in preparation for mid to end phase of…
Dexteriy-hip ABD in supine (L11)
AIM: To train hip abduction (in supine) in preparation for mid to end stance phase…
Dexterity-hip ABD in standing (L12)
AIM: To train hip abduction (in standing) in preparation for mid to end stance phase…
Dexterity-knee F/E in sitting (L13)
AIM: To train knee flexion/extension 0-10° (in sitting) in preparation for mid stance phase of…
Dexterity-knee F/E in standing (L14)
AIM: To train knee flexion/extension 0-10° (in standing) in preparation for mid stance phase of…
Dexterity-ankle PF (mid-stance) (L15)
AIM: To train ankle plantar flexion in preparation for mid to end stance phase of…
Dexterity-ankle PF (end-stance) (L16)
AIM: To train ankle plantar flexion in preparation for end of stance phase of walking…
Dexterity-hip/knee E (mid-stance) (L17)
AIM: To train hip and knee extension in preparation for mid-stance phase of walking Rationale:…
Dexterity-hip/knee E (all stance) (L18)
AIM: To train hip and knee extension in preparation for the whole of stance phase…
Dexterity-hip F (L19)
AIM: To train hip and knee flexion in preparation for swing phase of walking Rationale:…
Activity-sitting (L20)
AIM: To train sitting by reaching for objects Rationale: Whole-task training is set up so…
Activity-standing up (L21)
AIM: To train standing up Rationale: Whole-task training is set up so the patient can…
Activity-standing (L22)
AIM: To train standing by reaching for objects Rationale: Whole-task training is set up so…
Activity-walking (assisted) (L23)
AIM: To train walking by providing assistance Rationale: Whole-task training is set up so the…
Activity-walking (unassisted) (L24)
AIM: To train the patio-temporal aspects of walking Rationale: Whole-task training is set up so…
Activity-walking (treadmill) (L25)
AIM: To train walking by assisting the swinging leg on a treadmill Rationale: Whole-task training…